Wspólpraca ze szkołą amerykańską

23 styczeń 2015

earthDostałam e-maila od szkoły globowej Antioch High School w USA z ofertą wspólpracy. Może ktoś będzie zainteresowany. Poniżej treść e-maila i adres Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie obsługi JavaScript..

"We are emailing you today to introduce ourselves as high school students from Antioch, California. Our group of five, Shelley Garza, Madalynn Gonzaga, Juliana Cacciaroni, Elora McCutcheon, and Jazmin Reano are interested in your nation's environmental involvement, because our student body is participating in the GLOBE project and have been assigned to do so. If you would be so kind to share this information and tell us about your country's environmental conditions, it would be greatly appreciated. We were told to find a school that is also participating in GLOBE, by contacting you and requesting help.
We are very excited to learn the details of your country and present them to the rest of our class for our final presentation, and can't wait to hear back from you. Thank you very much for your time and efforts, dziękuję!
Environmental students of Antioch High School"


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